Our Mission

ATAMn’s goal is to make effective therapy accessible to all Minnesota families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders.  We will accomplish this by assuring a sustainable service delivery system that supports the high quality, research supported intervention that is required to improve the lives of people with autism and their caregivers. We work for the enactment of laws to advance the interests of our members and the people we serve.


ATAMn collaborates with legislative and governmental agencies to promote:

Legislative mandates that insure quality services are available statewide

We have worked and passed legislation that expands the availability of quality services statewide.

Funding mechanisms that support and expand effective services

We work for adequate funding levels for qualified supervision levels of staff and for frequent assessment in using research proven single case design methods to assure quality outcomes.voyageurs-national-park-347378_1280

A regulatory environment that values direct measures of outcomes over “red tape” and redundant layers of bureaucratic regulation that do not relate to outcomes

We have proposed outcome measures and monitoring methods to DHS which would make funding decisions passed on progress rather than compliance.

Parent organizations that speak powerfully to legislators and government officials

We have supported Autism Minnesota with training and assistance in the legislative process to allow parents to directly share stories with legislators.

A “life span” perspective on services and outcomes

Members have participated in DHS advisory boards and pushed for legislation that offers support and treatment to persons with autism at all stages of life.