DHS Comments

401 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403  ph: 612-871-1800  www.autismrecoveryfoundation.org

May 28, 2014

To:  Anne Harrington, Autism Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Re:  Comments on Proposed 1915i Autism Early Intervention Developmental and Behavioral Intervention Benefit

Dear Ms. Harrington:

ATAM End of Session Legislative Report

Great progress was made this session on the ATAM legislative agenda. A second successful session, especially in a non-budget year, solidifies ATAM’s role as a strong organization for autism advocacy and will help immensely going into the 2015 legislative session. This progress is due to the commitment and effort of the ATAM executive committee and board members, as well as Autism Minnesota parents and family. Although a short session, the tireless work of everyone on behalf of the autism community was inspiring and fruitful.